BrickEX — Real Estate Reinvented

Jeroen de Leijer
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2018

AMSTERDAM, 20 March 2018. BrickEX unfolds to become the first Global Real Estate Exchange, a blockchain based eco-system supported by its own Cryptocurrency, the Brick Token.

Global Real Estate Investment Reinvented

Jeroen de Leijer founder and CEO says, “the Exchange will be the stepping stone to a new Infrastructure and Ecosystem for Real Estate Funding and Financing paving the way for changes in the way we live, safe and invest.”

Real estate is the largest asset group in the world, but real estate investments are complicated, convoluted and expensive. With high return opportunities requiring large sums of money, advanced knowledge and sophisticated networks that most investors lack, it’s no surprise that real estate funds and investors continue to struggle with the lack of liquidity of large immobile assets on their balance sheet.

BrickEX solves these problems through an open decentralized real estate marketplace that creates transparency, accessibility and most of all liquidity for real estate owners and investors, regardless of their investment capacity or physical location.

The BrickEX Liquid Real Estate Ecosystem will form the basis for numerous new investing and financing propositions all to do with living, saving and investing.

Imagine if you could sell real estate as quickly as withdrawing money from your savings account. Would you still keep your savings in that 0% account? Or what about financing your house through BrickEX?

The same goes for property funds and owners. Instead of getting distracted by funding headaches, they can focus on what they’re best at.

BrickEX property trading view

BrickEX moves real estate investment onto the blockchain and aggregates real estate online through three functions:

✓ THE EXCHANGE — A real estate exchange that facilitates the trade of blockchain-based digital certifications for full or fractional property ownership.

✓ A DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL — A gateway that allows 3rd party real estate owners to market their real estate portfolios to a global investment community.

✓ AN INVESTMENT PLATFORM — A platform that enables investment in fractional real estate ownership.

BrickEX builds on its founder’s deep knowledge of real estate crowd investment and insights that have been gained from both founding and running as well as from experience of building a digital asset exchange.

Bas Bergmans Founder and CFO highlights the magnitude of the opportunity:

“$217tr is the estimated value of all real estate in the world, 1%, $2,17 trillion, is traded annually, 0% of these trades currently take place on the blockchain. Moving just a fraction of the value of annually traded real estate on the blockchain presents a huge opportunity.”

The BrickEX team and its advisors, represent an unprecedented level of diversified business knowledge, thought leadership in blockchain technology, real estate, cryptonomy and law. They are determined to reshape the real estate investment market and replace the obsolete real estate investment model.

BrickEX believes that the real estate investment industry can and will become more transparent, liquid and accessible with the implementation of innovative blockchain solutions. It will take companies like BrickEX, with innovative and forward-thinking cultures, to demonstrate to the wider public that this is the way forward.

Our Journey just started…come and join us!

BrickEX will be announcing several key partnerships shortly.

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