BrickWallet Version Updates: Version 2.0.3

Huyen Do
Published in
1 min readAug 21, 2020

BrickWallet has released version 2.0.3 with awaited upgrades:

  • Fix visualize bug on add account Hard Wallet screen
  • Improve UI filter on history account lend — orders and matches
  • Added error notification on minimum borrow exceeded loan proceeds — Lend order create
  • Added error notification on loan proceeds exceeded currency balance — Lend order create
  • Change account detail background — Lend account
  • Fix bug: Error overflow click on dropdown menu of maturity — Lend account history orders
  • Fix crash app on access to lend order detail history
  • Change header background of borrow order create and lend order create
  • Fix bugs keyboard cannot input punctuation
  • Fix bug : Zero mortgage amount still be able to create borrow order
  • Fix bug: Minimum lend > mortgage still be able to create borrow
  • Fix bug: Improper notification error between min and max lend value — create borrow
  • Fix bug: Max lend value greater than mortgage value still be able to create borrow order — create borrow
  • Updated Terms and Conditions

Update BrickWallet 2.0.3 here:

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