Buzz Or Bust? The LEGO Transformers Bumblebee Controversy
Is it really as bad as some fans claim? Let’s find out…
Many of us seem to suffer from a severe case of collective distorted memory and imagination of what the Transformers were in our childhood and what they should be today. I blame Hollywood. Come to think of it, we can blame Hollywood for half the things we (mis)understand about the world, like love, beauty, heroics including what a Transformers robot — sorry, autobot — ought to look like.
If you watched the 2018 Bumblebee movie, I’m sure you have a very distinct expectation. It has to be a classic yellow Volkswagen Beetle that looks identical to all other classic yellow Volkswagen Beetles, except for when it transforms into this incredibly sophisticated and capable machine — sorry, autobot — that fights off all the bad guys — I mean, other autobots — protecting the lovely Hailee Steinfeld, who is very much human and — by the way — had a much more fitting role in Dickinson. LEGO and its brick-built spin on the — by now classic — autobot, seems to have not generally met those expectations, and like a good contrarian, I decided to buy the set and take a closer look at just how close or far the new LEGO Transformers Bumblebee set is from the original autobot.