Buzz Or Bust? The LEGO Transformers Bumblebee Controversy

Is it really as bad as some fans claim? Let’s find out…

Attila Vágó
Bricks n’ Brackets
11 min readJul 27, 2024


Bumblebee showing the rock on sign with his fingers.
Bumblebee rockin’ it! Photo by author

Many of us seem to suffer from a severe case of collective distorted memory and imagination of what the Transformers were in our childhood and what they should be today. I blame Hollywood. Come to think of it, we can blame Hollywood for half the things we (mis)understand about the world, like love, beauty, heroics including what a Transformers robot — sorry, autobot — ought to look like.

If you watched the 2018 Bumblebee movie, I’m sure you have a very distinct expectation. It has to be a classic yellow Volkswagen Beetle that looks identical to all other classic yellow Volkswagen Beetles, except for when it transforms into this incredibly sophisticated and capable machine — sorry, autobot — that fights off all the bad guys — I mean, other autobots — protecting the lovely Hailee Steinfeld, who is very much human and — by the way — had a much more fitting role in Dickinson. LEGO and its brick-built spin on the — by now classic — autobot, seems to have not generally met those expectations, and like a good contrarian, I decided to buy the set and take a closer look at just how close or far the new LEGO Transformers Bumblebee set is from the original autobot.



Attila Vágó
Bricks n’ Brackets

Staff software engineer, tech writer, author and opinionated human. LEGO and Apple fan. Accessibility advocate. Life enthusiast. Living in Dublin, Ireland. ☘️