LEGO Brings Back The Nazis. Sort of…

A pseudo-column / review of the new #77012 Indiana Jones LEGO set.

Attila Vágó
Bricks n’ Brackets
7 min readApr 5, 2023


Hot take, I know, right? Might even piss off a few folks over at the LEGO offices in Denmark, but I’m not the only one saying it. It’s a nazi soldier in a nazi airplane. Plain and simple. This might not land — pun intended — as intended, but we gotta talk about it, because LEGO has a very long and very famous stance on war: no war to be depicted in LEGO sets. Unless it’s the roundabout way, through entertainment. Then that stance kind of melts away, into… you guessed it… plastic bricks.

While this is absolutely a review of the new Indiana Jones set that I introduced a few articles ago, I feel like it’s also an opportunity for a short column, not so much to make the review more interesting or different, but rather because I, myself, struggle a bit with this set, and it’s not the LEGO bricks aspect of it, but what it represents, so take this entire article a public exhibition of my own efforts to understand LEGO stance on war and this set as a concept.

Who is this set really for?

Before going into the whole nazi conversation, I want to address another aspect — graphic detail, not so much in the set, but the Indiana Jones movies in general. I have not seen them in 20 years, so I…



Attila Vágó
Bricks n’ Brackets

Staff software engineer, tech writer, author and opinionated human. LEGO and Apple fan. Accessibility advocate. Life enthusiast. Living in Dublin, Ireland. ☘️