My Experience With Podcasting

James Hoban
2 min readApr 2, 2024

For this week's post, I have decided to write a little bit about another digital medium that I have worked with in the past, and that is podcasting. I have done podcasting for a few reasons over the past few years, but overall, it’s just a fun thing to do from time to time, and it can be very enjoyable to go back and listen to some old conversations you might have forgotten about.

Originally in my sophomore year of college, I approached a few of my fishing buddies, asking them if they would be interested in doing a podcast about fishing, and they were all for it. We spent some time learning and planning different things we could discuss on the podcast with each other, as well as how we would record it. At High Point University, the communications school has great resources for students to pursue any creative media that they want to, including working with camera drones. For us, this pointed us to the podcast center that they have located in the NQSC building. It took some learning, but we found that it was a fairly easy process and that we could get it rolling sooner than we initially thought. We recorded our first podcast, and everything went great. The conversation flowed, and we barely had to even use our notes. We talked about fun fishing stories, some “big fish” tall tales, and just cracked jokes and had a good time. We continued with creating this podcast for a couple months until things slowly came to a halt when all of our lives got a little more busy. I do miss doing the podcast with them, but I know I can still have those great conversations with them out on the lake, which was where it all started.

After doing this podcast for a few months, I then saw that I had a requirement for a podcasting class in my curriculum, and I figured with my past experience it would be fun and come along easily. I enjoyed the class besides its late start time of 5:25 PM. In the class, we learned about different techniques for keeping listeners engaged such as ad reads, midrolls, segments, and many more useful practices that helped to make my podcasting even better. I think if I had the opportunity to reconnect with my buddies for the “On the Line Podcast”, with the knowledge I gained from that podcasting class, we could make an even better podcast that can really turn into something. I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to learn these skills, and I'm even more thankful that I go to a school with such great resources for me to explore different creative mediums that I like to work with.

