How to Date People with Intention in 2020 ❤️

Becca Bycott
Bride in Reverse
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3 min readDec 26, 2019
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

When you start over, you want a 180 so bad. A complete and total reversal of all the things you survived, the mistakes you made. You will be new and improved. Or so you think …

I think we put too much pressure on ourselves in this regard when it comes to dating. Especially in the context of having a new year ahead of us and wanting to change our love lives.

In 2020, it’s inevitable that we’ll make more mistakes with dating, but hopefully we’ll make better mistakes. With that in mind, here are some of the most honest and open things I’ve ever written about dating and what I’ve learned from my experiences. I hope it helps you as you get ready for a new year, with 20/20 vision, but with an open heart:

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Deleting Texts from Your Phone: The New Dating Power Move

In 2019, I made a helpful discovery when it comes to texting: Sometimes “out of sight, out of mind” really is the best policy. Read more about it here.

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay

Random Dating Rules We Make Up For Ourselves

Red flags. Those hyper-specific little warning signs, things you absolutely avoid at all costs, no matter what else is happening. They are your heart’s memory suddenly hitting a giant gong, your intuition pulling the fire alarm. Get the fuck out. Now. Find out how I unapologetically avoid red flags while dating.

Photo by author

Getting Better at Making the Same Mistakes

I’ve been in love once since my divorce in 2016. This is a post about how I fell apart and put myself back together again, with insight and empathy, rather than brutal judgment. It was really hard but taught me a lot about our hearts’ imperfections. Find out what happened here.

Wishing you your hearts’ truest happiness today and always,



Becca Bycott
Bride in Reverse

Writer, strategic comms consultant and original Bride in Reverse. I blog about relationships, cooking, digital marketing and whatever else strikes my fancy.