Winter is coming. It’s time to dream big.

Becca Bycott
Bride in Reverse
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3 min readNov 15, 2020
Photo of me by my friend Banafsheh Ghassemi


Or should I say, salut!

My French is a bit rusty, but my hope is it won’t be after this winter, when I plan to study it again so I’m ready to live and work in a Francophone city eventually, like Montreal or Paris.

Or even Marrakesh.

Most people are understandably anxious about this winter, and with good reason. If you live in a place that gets cold weather, limited time outside means less access to friends and family, provided you’ve been following pandemic protocol to meet in small gatherings outdoors (I have).

Instead of freaking out about shorter, darker, colder days, I’ve decided to embrace the next few months as a much-needed time to take on a some new projects. In addition to working on my French, here’s what I’m doing:

  • Reading rather than watching more TV. I totally get that winter is primetime for watching movies and Netflix, but getting lost in TV for hours on end makes me feel like crap. I usually eat too much and start to feel subhuman as I sink deeper and deeper into my couch. So I’m enrolling myself in a reading program of books I’ve been meaning to get to, including Designing Your Life, which I’m doing with a friend as we map out what we want our next chapters to look like, and trying to limit my TV time to maybe 2 hours a week.
  • Writing a book. Speaking of next chapters, excited to share that starting this winter, I’ll be doing a deep dive into the best essays I’ve written here on Medium for Bride in Reverse readers and turning them into a book! This is a long-time dream of mine. To make this happen, I’d love your input on what essays have resonated the most with you! Stay tuned as I’ll be sending out a survey to get your valuable feedback.
  • Buying a rowing machine. I’m almost done paying off my debt (YAY!) and as a reward, I might invest in a good rowing machine to have in my apartment, to make up for those long walks I’m not doing as often outside this winter.
  • COOKING! You knew this post had to mention something food-related. I can’t wait to try some new recipes this winter. In fact, I’m so excited about it that I wrote a new piece in Medium’s cooking magazine, HEATED.

What about you? What new projects are you thinking about taking on this winter? I’d love to hear from you!

Wishing you your hearts’ truest happiness, always,



Becca Bycott
Bride in Reverse

Writer, strategic comms consultant and original Bride in Reverse. I blog about relationships, cooking, digital marketing and whatever else strikes my fancy.