Your Bride in Reverse 2020 Holiday Survival Guide 😃

Becca Bycott
Bride in Reverse
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3 min readDec 20, 2020
Photo by Jeremiah Lawrence on Unsplash

As most of you know, my philosophy is when the going gets tough, the tough get creative and resilient, and ultimately pull themselves out of the hell they’re in.

And this, my friends, is exactly how I’m approaching the holiday season.

I managed to fly home and spend two weeks with my family over Thanksgiving. It was lovely and life-giving, and it made up for not having spent any time with them for almost a year.

But now … sigh. Hunkering down for Christmas as coronavirus cases spike and doing the holiday season on my own! Staying put and hopefully staying safe and keeping everyone else, safe. too.

Not sure you’re in the same boat, but regardless, some resources I’ve written to provide some support and inspiration:

’Tis the season to miss our friends and loved ones — with a pandemic, many of us are opting to skip travel this year and stay at home rather than spend the holidays with them. This is all well and good if you’ve got a partner or a cool roommate, maybe some kids. But if you live by yourself, you may be worried about how you will make it through what will feel like a more silent night than usual. Read all about it in Flying Solo (and Socially Distanced) on Christmas Eve? I Got You, my latest post on Medium.

It’s that time of year when I get cards featuring photos of my friends and family and their adorable children in the mail. I put all the cards on my fridge and then look down at my cat, Matilda, the closest thing I have to a child. A furry child who tears up my furniture with her tiny claws, lovingly butts her head against my arm, and could care less if I put up my Christmas decorations or not. Feeling the same? Find more sympathy in It’s Okay if You Hate the Holidays a Little Bit.

Finally, I’ve rebooted my life more times than I can count — the death of a parent when I was in high school, unexpected job loss, financial uncertainty, an unfortunate marriage and ugly divorce that included my friend hooking up with my ex. It was horrible when all these things happened. But in a way, I’m thankful for these experiences because they taught me a lot about how resilience is more than being introspective and focusing only on yourself. You have to look outward, be generous and practice gratitude every damn day. Get your resilience and gratitude going in full force by reading Surviving Bad Times is About Thinking Beyond Your Own Life.

No matter how you’re celebrating (or not), grateful for each and every one of you, and determined to make good things happen as we reach the end of this shitty year and head into the next one.

Wishing you your hearts’ truest happiness, always,



Becca Bycott
Bride in Reverse

Writer, strategic comms consultant and original Bride in Reverse. I blog about relationships, cooking, digital marketing and whatever else strikes my fancy.