4 Reasons God Isn’t Answering Your Prayers

Bride Ministries
BRIDE Ministries
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2021

God’s word promises that whatever we ask of him if we have faith, we’ll receive it. Why, then, do some prayers seemingly go unanswered?

It Isn’t God’s Plan for You

According to the Bible, God has a plan for each of us. If you’re praying faithfully, but you don’t receive an answer, the problem could lie in what you desire. Your goal might not fit into God’s purpose for your life. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

When you pray, ask God to let his desires be your desires; to let his goals be your goals.

It Isn’t Good for You

We all think we know what’s best for ourselves, but God sees more than we do. What seems good for us might hurt us; what seems bad for us might help. He knows exactly what we need — not just in life but to ensure our salvation. Sometimes, that means things are hard. We might ask why misfortunes fall on us or why God isn’t helping us in our difficulties.

The truth is, He is helping us! The difficulties in our lives prepare and perfect us. According to James 1:2–4, we should be thankful in times of trouble because these times “produce perseverance…so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

It Isn’t the Right Time

God’s timing isn’t our timing. We might wish for things to happen right now, but God knows that it would be better for our prayer to be answered later. 2 Peter 3:9 tells us that “the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise…instead he is patient with you.” While it might seem like God isn’t answering our prayer, the truth could be that he just isn’t answering it yet.

It Isn’t the Answer You Wanted

God’s answer isn’t always yes. Sometimes his answer to your prayer is no. Sometimes his answer to your prayer is to wait. While it might seem as if God isn’t answering you, the real problem could be that you’re not listening.

To learn more, please visit BRIDE Ministries blog!



Bride Ministries
BRIDE Ministries

BRIDE Ministries International is a Christian organization founded on the teachings of minister and author Daniel Duval. Learn more at brideministriesblog.com.