5 Tips for Writing Compelling Sermon Titles

Bride Ministries
BRIDE Ministries
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2021
5 Tips for Writing Compelling Sermon Titles — BRIDE Ministries

When it comes to writing sermon titles, people tend to go for flashy, artistic, or symbolic titles as a means to catch more attention. What’s more important is to write titles with depth and substance that get people excited for the messages. Here are some tips to improve your titles.

Show the Benefits

A title that stands out will tell people how it can help or benefit them. It should spell out plainly what they will learn from the sermon, so they are more drawn to finding more information.

Meet Specific Needs

Another aspect of writing sermon titles is knowing your congregation well enough to deliver messages that meet their needs. Bring up relevant topics your congregation will care about, rather than just trying to get the sermon out. Deliver messages of hope, or peace, or how to be obedient in the face of temptation. Show them you understand what matters to them in their daily lives.

Make it Hopeful

People often depend on the church to be a bastion of hope and peace in their lives. They want to have some respite from discouragement, doubt, fear, and anxiety. Make your sermon titles hopeful and give people something they can look forward to hearing about.

Be a Storyteller

People love a good story. Sermon titles that gain interest from people tell stories in their ways. You could name a sermon about the prodigal son something like “Running Away To Find There’s No Place Like Home.” People want to hear how it plays out.

Don’t Mislead

When considering sermon titles, make sure that the message and title match. Deliver the benefits, stories, hope, or information your title promises. You do not want to let your congregation down or make them think your messages have no substance. Follow through with what your title promises to ensure your congregation will be served well.

The Bottom Line

When writing a sermon title, always consider the underlying reasons you are doing what you do. Keeping perspective and understanding your messages’ impact can have shown you why it’s important to get people to hear them.

To learn more, please visit BRIDE Ministries blog!



Bride Ministries
BRIDE Ministries

BRIDE Ministries International is a Christian organization founded on the teachings of minister and author Daniel Duval. Learn more at brideministriesblog.com.