Brides on a Budget is Open For Submissions

Please read these guidelines carefully

Brittani Kiger
2 min readJul 23, 2022


Photo by Clayton Robbins on Unsplash

At Brides on a Budget, our goal is to create a space for brides to share their experiences with wedding planning from a budget standpoint.

My name is

Brittani Kiger

I’m the founder of this new publication and I’m also recently engaged deep in wedding planning. I noticed a lack of wedding planning content on Medium, specifically in the publication space. I have been writing personally for a long time but publishing here on Medium for 2 years on and off.

This publication is designed to give brides a voice and platform to share their experiences.

For now, we will be accepting most wedding planning content as long as there are not any grammatical or spelling errors, within reason. As we grow, we may be more selective about article choice.

We may ask for revisions if there are small errors and the piece is very good.

I’ll be the current Editor in Chief until someone else comes along that is better at editing. I will use my free time to publish your articles, so please be patient. I work full time outside of writing so it could take a day or so for me to get back to you.

In the future, we will update any other restrictions, recommended writing practices, style guides, etc.

If you’d like to be added to Brides on a Budget, just post a comment detailing why and your contact info.

Once you have been added, feel free to submit any articles you have!

Some basic tips:

  • Avoid cryptic headlines/clickbait: Give the reader some guidance on what they should expect without providing a false promise.
  • Grammatical errors: Use some kind of tool to spellcheck and check your grammar such as Grammarly and Prowritingaid. If the grammar/spelling errors are overwhelming, we may have to pass on the article.
  • Lack of substance and depth: We are not going to make word count rules but please make sure the article has substance. If you’re going to make a listicle, include a few lines of additional information.
  • Formatting: Include a Title, Subtitle, Header Image, break up walls of text, and make sure you break out text with headings, sub-headings, dividers, and bullet points when useful. Make it easy to read and follow.

Useful Tools

  • Headline Studio — a tool that rates your headline based on SEO and keyword usage for visibility
  • Grammarly — an extension for basic syntax editing as you go that can check basic grammar and spelling
  • Pro-Writing Aid — a more in-depth editor to suggest writing improvements to make writing more readable
  • Hemingway app — a tool to make writing more simplified like Ernest Hemingway



Brittani Kiger

Novice writer, data engineer, and avid book worm who specializes in productivity, life lessons, books, and reading. Top Writer in Reading and Books.