Write for Us

Share your life to encourage others

Bev Garcia
Bridge a Gap


At Bridge a Gap, we help followers of Jesus determine clear direction to bridge a gap between infomation and transformation for what matters most at the Judgement Seat of Christ. How do you move from knowing to doing, from theory to practice? Because God sees our hearts and knows our motivation, we can be transparent. Knowing and doing are connected by accountability.

Write for Us


If you want to write for us at Bridge a Gap, a Christian publication, send an email to info@bridgeagap.com with a link to one of your articles. Include these topical tags: Bridge a Gap and Christianity. Other prominent tags that you may want to include are words, relationships, psychology, and life lessons. Personal testimonies — stories and examples of God’s intervention and plans are encouraged.

Here are some topics to consider. We want to walk alongside others to restore relationships.

  • Why am I alive and what is my purpose? Help others become self-aware of their individual uniqueness as God created them to become.
  • What paradoxes are found in the Bible? Cite the passage, identify the keywords that are supposedly opposites, and help readers understand the juxtiposition of terms.
  • What does it mean to be a real Christian? Include references to becoming more like Christ and how God works in and through us.



Bev Garcia
Bridge a Gap

I help followers of Jesus determine clear direction to bridge a gap between information and transformation for what matters most at the Judgment Seat of Christ.