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African Web3 Developers Volume #11

Regine Cyrille
Bridge Labs



The DApps are coming! — ready to power the next era of the internet.


Web3 enables people to interact with digital services and decentralized applications (DApps) in a user-friendly way by using tokens such as ERC-20 and set of libraries that make building DApps easier.

Imagine a world where you can use the power of blockchain for anything, from buying shoes to your doctor appointments. A world where we’re in control and data is private, not centralized. The decentralized web is happening and it’s not too late to be a part of it.


There are already thousands of developers worldwide who are building with web2 and web3, including large companies such as Binance, Bridgelabs, Crypto.Com, Ripple, Coinbase, LeewayHertz, Suffescom Solutions, RisingMax, Maticz and many more.

The future is here — start building with Web3 solutions today!


Check out these amazing Web3 resources and join the evolution train.

In this vein, if you are interested in a career in Web3, please join our Discord server using this link to understand what our Metaverse has to offer.


⚒Upcoming Hackathons, Workshops, and Information Sessions:

  1. Hackathon: NEAR MetaBUILD III Hackathon
  • More info: Here
  • Opened: September 23rd — November 21st, 2022

2. Information Session: Web3 Weekly LIVE — Trends. Interviews. Insights.

  • Date: November 17th, 2022
  • More information and Registration: Here

3. Information Session: WEB3 WEDNESDAYS

  • Date: November 16th, 23rd and 30th.
  • More information and Registration: Here

4. Grants: Gitcoin Grant Projects

📗 Media Resources:

Video 📺 : Make it worthwhile: A web3 Journey

Video 📺 : Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course — Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial

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🌟 Find awesome Web3 resources here.

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Thank you for following up on our volumes.

We do this greatly for your edification and appreciation.

Ubuntu — we are because you are!



Regine Cyrille
Bridge Labs

A conceptionist, visionary learner and leader. Artist, technological enthusiast. Child of God