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African Web3 Developers Volume #12

Regine Cyrille
Bridge Labs
3 min readDec 5, 2022


Web 3.0, or simply Web 3, is a new version of the internet that will be decentralized and secure.

The goal of Web 3 is to create a more fair and equal web for all users by providing a more private and secure experience, with less censorship and centralized control.

web 3 identity banner

Web 3 Identity???

The next step in this journey is Web 3 Identity, which will be the foundation for all decentralized applications on the web.

The first step to understanding how it works is understanding what kind of identity we have today. In our current world, we use email addresses as our identity and passwords to access our information on websites or apps.

This type of identity is called “centralized” because it has one central place where all your information lives (in this case your email address) that can be easily hacked into or stolen from. This system also means that you have no control over who sees your data because anyone with access to your email address can see everything you do online without having to ask you. It sounds insane, but that’s just a reality check!

Now, Web 3.0 Identity will be based on blockchain technology, which will make it more secure, transparent, and efficient than current methods of identity management.

The goal still is to create an ecosystem where users can control their data with ease.

There are many use cases for Web 3.0 Identity but the most important one is that it could help to solve the problem of fake news or fake reviews on the internet by making sure that there are no fake identities in circulation.

However, there are a lot of other things that could be totally revolutionized. We can proudly say, power to the web, power to the people, power to you!

Haha, all about these 3 😉.


⚒Upcoming Hackathons, Workshops, and Information Sessions:

  1. Hackathon: The best happening in December

2. Workshop: Web3 Workshop — Building Your First Dapp

  • 📺 More information and Getting started: Here

3. Grants:

DoraHack Grants

  • View Information about Grant: Here

Gitcoin Grants

  • View Information about Grant: Here

📗 Media Resources:

⚒ The Home for BUIDLs

“ Submit your project to DoraHacks to share your ideas with more hackers and investors. Let’s change the world with code.”

Video 📺 : Watch, discover and learn: A web3 Journey

Video 📺 : Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript — 32-Hour Course

Video 📺 : Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course — Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial

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Regine Cyrille
Bridge Labs

A conceptionist, visionary learner and leader. Artist, technological enthusiast. Child of God