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African Web3 Developers Volume #6

Regine Cyrille
Bridge Labs
2 min readSep 6, 2022


Learning a new skill? How about you explore Web3!

learn and upskill in web3

Web3 is a decentralized network that is the next phase of the internet. It has many benefits for developers, such as being able to create decentralized applications and interact with smart contracts.

Web3 also allows developers to build on top of existing protocols which are open source and community driven — meaning there are no centralized points of failure or single points of control.

There are many tools for learning web3, such as Truffle, Remix, WebAssembly Studio, and Ganache.

Web3 is gaining traction in Africa, especially among developers. This is because it provides an opportunity for Africans to create their own applications without relying on centralized systems or infrastructures.

Web3 also gives African developers a chance to solve problems in Africa and have control of their data.

Get Involved and Participate:

⚒Upcoming Hackathons, Workshops, and Information Sessions:

  1. Hackathon: Evmos Momentum Hackathon led by Web3Scholarships (Deployment required for the prize)
  • More info: Here
  • Opened: July 18th — September 20th, 2022

2. Hackathon: ETHOnline

  • More info: Here
  • Opened: September 2nd — September 28th, 2022

3. Hackathon: Moonbeam’s Connected Contracts

  • More info: Here
  • Opened: August 15th — September26th, 2022

4. Hackathon: MetaFi The CoinEx Smart Chain Challenge

  • More info: Here
  • Opened: August 9th— October 11th, 2022

5. Info-Session: Cryptopia 2022–30+ Top Industry Speakers — NFTs, DEFI, Metaverse & More

  • Date: September 13th, 2022
  • More information and Registration: Here

6. Grants: Gitcoin Grant Projects

📗 Blockchain Fundamental Developer Resources:

Course📓: Whitepapers

Course 📓: Get started Building Web3 Apps with Cloudflare

Video 📺 : How to spend 32 hours wisely: web3-oriented learning

Keep up with us to be the first to hear about Web3 opportunities and resources.

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Regine Cyrille
Bridge Labs

A conceptionist, visionary learner and leader. Artist, technological enthusiast. Child of God