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African Web3 Developers Volume #7

Regine Cyrille
Bridge Labs


Web3 is the next generation of the internet, a decentralized and a democratic system. It offers much more freedom than web2. Web3 provides an opportunity for everyone to be able to own their own data, without having to rely on a centralized server.

The internet has been around for over 30 years now, and during this time, you might have noticed that some companies have started to get really powerful. They control how we communicate with each other, they influence what we see on social media feeds, and can as well even influence how we shop online!

It’s not just companies — governments are starting to do this too. Hence, a need for decentralization.

Decentralization is the process of transferring power from one entity or central location to another. In this case, power is taken away from big companies like Facebook and Google and given back to the people who are using them.

Decentralization means that people can keep their personal information private and also that they are not at risk of losing everything if there is an outage on one of these servers or if they get hacked.

Web3’s ecosystem of open-source protocols and standards being built on the principle of decentralization, offers more autonomy, freedom and privacy to users.

The web3 stack consists of four layers:

  • The first layer is the public internet, which connects users to websites like Google or Facebook.
  • The second layer consists of decentralized apps (DApps) that use blockchain technology as a means of storing data and executing smart contracts.
  • The third layer contains the open standards for how information can be exchanged on the web, including HTTP/2, IPFS and Interledger Protocol (ILP).
  • The fourth layer includes components for building tools for developers like wallets.

We need to understand what web3 means and how it can help us change the world for better.

Things you can tryout :

⚒Upcoming Hackathons, Workshops, and Information Sessions:

  1. Hackathon: ETHOnline
  • More info: Here
  • Opened: September 2nd — September 28th, 2022

2. Hackathon: Moonbeam’s Connected Contracts

  • More info: Here
  • Opened: August 15th — September26th, 2022

3. Hackathon: MetaFi The CoinEx Smart Chain Challenge

  • More info: Here
  • Opened: August 9th — October 11th, 2022


4. AMA Session: Taking Africa forward

  • Date: September 24th, 2022
  • More information and Registration: Here

5. Grants: Gitcoin Grant Projects

📗 Media Resources:

Article 📓: Understanding Web3 Like I’m 5

(This article was published by one our community members, you can also join us on discord here)

Video 📺 : Make it worthwhile: A web3 Journey

Video 📺 : Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course — Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial

Subscribe to keep up with us and be the first to hear about Web3 opportunities and resources.

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Autonomy and freedom, that’s about web3.

Thank you for your loyalty.



Regine Cyrille
Bridge Labs

A conceptionist, visionary learner and leader. Artist, technological enthusiast. Child of God