assistant initial release

Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2020

We are glad to announce that bridged’s assistant, a figma plugin is now available for public usage.

Select any desing on your file, make it live instantly. In the initial release we support flutter code generation. and for a while we are planning of focusing on this subject. There were and are lots of code generation solutions, but none of them are usable. We will focus on the developer’s experience in 2020. And make this tool your only tool that you will need for developing flutter applications.

Sharing our next roadmap, in 2020. Below features are currently in development and will be available within few months.

  • support flutter text style (typorgraphy) — experimentally available for now.
  • support resource copy — instantly get your image in the design, with no need to download, add to your assets folder. Your time is valuable.
  • cloud sync — implement your design once, manage your content where your deisgns are at. no need for re-write everytime for the content update.
  • Layout support — currently complex layouts are handled as Stack and positioned children in flutter. We will make this interpretable as responsive layout with our new linting feature below.
  • Linting — yes, you need linting for design. What you see is not what you get. You need your design and designers to provide behind the scene perfect design, all aligned layouts, and all text should be applied with text styles.

Here is our website, and the link you can download the plugin. v0.1.0

Hope we could save your time!

No more boring. Bridged.

