The Founding team at Carnegie Mellon University

Improve the world by focusing on empowerment, not charity

Bridge for Billions
Bridge for Billions
3 min readMar 10, 2016


Bridge for Billions is the online incubator for early-stage entrepreneurs globally to launch successful businesses, by enabling them to structure and refine their ideas step by step with a mentor.

Jon DiClemente is one of the Founding Fathers of Bridge for Billions, he laid the ground of the startup at Carnegie Mellon University, together with current CEO Pablo Santaeufemia and Benefit Director Jils George (see our article about being a Benefit Corporation). He shared with us a touching letter on Bridge’s early days and the uniqueness of our vision & mission.

“Enablers of progress and agents for change. Bridge for Billions was founded on this simple statement. It is an idea to improve the world by focusing on empowerment, not charity; it is a vision for robust collaboration, not isolation; it is a belief that if we contribute our skills and resources to enable others we will see progress.

As one of the original team members of Bridge, I have a unique perspective on its earliest days. Bridge faced many challenges, most were attributed to the typical startup story. However, the irony of it all was that the simplest notion of what defined Bridge was also its most challenging obstacle. Bridge was different from the beginning. We had to share our vision for an organization that completely turned the standard channels for entrepreneurship, impact investing and social empowerment inside out.

Rather than control the process from afar or spend thousands of dollars sending people all over the world with a lack of a tacit understanding for the work required on the ground, we wanted to give complete control to the change agents, or entrepreneurs. We wanted to provide the tools and the environment to learn and share stories of success and challenges with others.

The founding team was a group of some of the most amazing entrepreneurs, activists, thought leaders, and trend setters I’ve ever met all united by the same vision. We spent countless early mornings and late nights –many times blurring together — defining a path forward and learning through countless iterations. We intensely debated strategy and positioning and equally celebrated minor successes. Representative of the later days of Bridge, the founding team converged on this single mission from nearly every continent around the globe. More than anything, this provided us with an unbelievable perspective to connect with the most relevant social megatrends and challenges facing the most remote communities.

The entrepreneurs that have been supported by a Bridge for Billions team and the tools that come with the platform have done more than build their own success stories and impact the lives of their family and communities. They become part of the founding Bridge for Billions team. Their impact spreads through the platform to reach other entrepreneurs around the world.

I would highly encourage anyone to simply follow the impact Bridge for Billions is creating. Join the community as an entrepreneur, mentor, investor, or just a participant in the conversation.”

Jonathan DiClemente

Interested in our online incubator? Want to evaluate and develop your business ideas or support promising entrepreneurs with your skills? Apply to our incubation program here, and keep an eye open on our Twitter and Facebook feeds!



Bridge for Billions
Bridge for Billions

The online incubator for early-stage entrepreneurs | Starting a business is far from easy. That’s where we come in.