Supply Chain Management During and After COVID19

Krishna Mohan Roy
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2020

“This too shall pass” — This quote sounds more relevant today than ever before!

As the world grapples with tackling COVID-19, many companies and businesses are being forced to shut down or asked to downsize to a limited workforce. Change in the new world order ensures that even customers will no longer behave the same way as they did before the pandemic especially where social interaction is concerned.

The time is now ripe for businesses to build a smart tracking system to continuously monitor the evolving situation. Currently, companies are facing challenges at each node of the supply chain due to changes in demand patterns, ability to fulfill demand, logistic issues, and supply of raw materials. Even after the return to normalcy, businesses will take their time before ramping up their operations depending upon the demand patterns and impact of COVID-19. In such situations, agility and quick decision-making is the need of the hour for any business irrespective of their size.

Fig.1 Typical supply chain structures

The BRIDGEi2i Solution

In the current situation, visibility into each aspect of the supply chain with appropriate root cause analysis of deviations of KPIs will ensure faster and better decision-making. It will lead to responsive, risk-free, and cost-effective supply chains. Most of the organizations have hundreds of standard dashboards without any ability to point out the challenge area. The COVID-19 situation demands an intelligent and alert mechanism requiring immediate attention and action from the supply chain planners instead of a manual exploration of the dashboards and KPIs. We at BRIDGEi2i have a solution which can be worth looking into, in this unprecedented situation.

BRIDGEi2i’s Watchtower™ uses augmented analytics for generating insights in an automated manner and helps find the root cause associated with alerts. The Watchtower™ for supply chain management can enable decision-makers in faster data-driven decision making, and it can also help organizations in driving better adoption of analytics.

It has the following benefits:

Real-Time Tracking: Watchtower™ can alert users as and when data refreshes without any manual intervention and hence reduces.

Enabling Quick Decision: The Watchtower™ highlights root causes behind anomalies and hence the user need not spend time analyzing alerts to find the root cause behind pattern changes.

Collaboration/Adoption Across Organization: Watchtower™ presents insights in simple narrative and hence can be used by a wider audience. With better adoption, watchtower will drive collaboration across an organization.

Automation: It mitigates the chances of any bias due to the user’s analytical maturity. It also reduces dependence on the ability of analysts in generating reports as the Watchtower™ automates the process.

Cockpit View: The Watchtower™ brings end-to-end supply chain in a single view and hence makes tracking easier. Views can be controlled by personas as well to make the right people get access.

Watchtower Solutions for SCM

Watchtower can be relevant for every node of the supply chain. Fig.2 shows various types of Watchtower™ solutions which can be utilized for effective supply chain management. These solutions can be used as a standalone solution and/or combination can also be used

Fig.2 Examples of watchtower solutions for SCM

BRIDGEi2i’s Watchtower™ can be used for any functional and business areas with customization. Click here to know how we helped portfolio managers in smart decision making.

Our Pricing Watchtower™ helped a global CPG company solve price irregulatiies.

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