Bridge Protocol MVP Release Overview

Bridge Protocol
Published in
5 min readJun 30, 2018

Bridge Protocol set out to become the easiest, most compliant identity management system, providing a blockchain solution for a blockchain problem. We are progressing quickly and are pleased to mark the finalization of our Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

We have made great strides in development, devising some simple yet unique methods to identity management. We have assembled a world-class team of engineers and developers; all passionate about solving KYC issues with digital identities.

The release of our MVP is marked by fundamental achievements for our team; TestNet deployment, partner on-boarding and implementation testing. This next phase of development will allow our technical team to begin working with institutional and private customers who require our solution the most.

Strategic partnerships will allow Bridge to have an open flow of development, as well as allow for early user testing and feedback.


A critical portion of development requires us to begin integration with the APIs of our partners. We have selected two partners to strategically assist us in a complete throughput process. These partners will allow us to immediately deliver a serviceable product at the completion of testing.

We are excited to introduce a bit more about our partners below:

Onfido — Identitiy Verification

For initial users to begin their verification, we have secured a trusted and innovative partner to conduct background and criminal history checks.

Onfido will work with the engineering team to bring a seamless identity verification experience.

Onfido is a trusted verification product with customers like Uber, Square, Revolut and Zipcar. Utilizing state-of-the-art machine learning, AI and facial recognition, they can provide the most accurate and tamper proof verification on the market.

Onfido will provide the automation systems to make our blockchain even faster and more seamless for the user experience. Their robust SDK and tools for developer will help our chain be integrated faster in even more businesses than we can could have done alone.

Switcheo — Decentralized Exchange

Switcheo, a trusted Bridge partner, has agreed to assist our team in testing our solution. Working directly with an exchange will allow Bridge to be ready for wide scale adoption at the completion of testing.

This is excellent news as this solution is needed immediately across the space.

The two teams aim at bringing a compliant framework that NEO has promised since the inception of NEO ID. The community has asked for a secure digital identity on a DEX, rather than a centralized exchange with no trust barriers.

The Bridge + Switcheo partnership brings a new level of compliance to a blockchain platform.


Although much of the upcoming development will occur outside the view of a UI, there is a lot going on to get excited about. Bridge launched its NEO TestNet Contract on schedule and testing has been initiated.

In addition to this testing, the development team has released a high-level overview of how Bridge Network will operate. This guide was developed to help institutional customers and our community better understand the Protocol, prior to integration.

For those seeking a more technical breakdown, you can view the full MVP overview HERE

As our backbone is completed and we begin to integrate with customers, Bridge Protocol will undertake its front-end development. Much of the interactions for Bridge will be behind the scenes of your favorite platforms and exchanges.

New users will be provided an easy walk-through to get your public address tied to your ID.

Our goal is not to make another app, but to make your process of sign-up seamless and effortless.

Once development is completed, our team will release an SDK for interested parties to being able to quickly implement our system.

Additional information will be released on our SDK in the coming weeks.

For those seeking a more technical breakdown, you can view the full MVP overview HERE

MVP Information

A MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a development method where the most-basic product is initially developed and used for testing and design. This allows developers and users to freely submit feedback and begin shaping the final product.

With the release of our MVP, we can now give a more detailed insight into the process that will become Bridge Protocol.

Bridge Network Explained

Step 1 — Creation of Bridge Passport

1. User generates a Bridge Protocol Passport via the Bridge Platform
2. User associates Public Address with Passport to begin relationship
a. User profile currently has no additional authorizations
3. With new Passport, user can begin the KYC process

Step 2 — KYC Verification

1. To begin KYC process, users will submit the required documentation to claim verifier (Bridge KYC powered by Onfido)
2. Submitted information is then checked against public/private databases to verify claims
3. Information is bundled, encrypted and associated with Bridge Passport — unnecessary information is destroyed
4. User is now in total control of their encrypted digital ID

Step 3 — Using your Bridge ID

1.Third party (ICO, Exchange, etc.) provides identification requirements to user for participation
2. User selects required information from Bridge Protocol
3. Profile is encrypted and submitted to requester
4. Requester decrypts profile information and grants appropriate authorizations

For those seeking a more technical breakdown, you can view the full MVP overview HERE

Bridge CEO Stephen Hyduchak Video Update

With the excitement of the week beginning to subside and with deals beginning to shape up, we wanted to give everyone an idea of what we have been working on; in a more personal manner.

Stephen took this opportunity to make a video with some answers to the questions that many have been asking.

The MVP release is marked by some fundamental achievements and the team has been working diligently to get to this point; we wanted a share a few of those achievements with you.

We hope you take a chance to hear what we have been up to!

Community Support

It has been a pleasure to share and interact with our supportive community from the day we announced our project. It is incredible to see the progress that has been made in just under 4 months; that progress is now becoming exponential.

We are excited to bring this solution to the NEO community first, as promised.

However, we are already talking with some great Ethereum projects as we plan interoperability of digital IDs on multiple platforms. This will be crucial for collaboration of different ecosystems and ease of use for everyone. We look forward to sharing our progress with others in Q3!

Watch our social media channels for upcoming announcements!




Bridge Protocol

Bridge Protocol s a RegTech company specializing in identity services and compliance for KYC/AML and more on the blockchain