We were in Australia!

Xinni Chia
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2018

It had been a fruitful week for our BridgeX Network team. Our CEO and CMO, Jody Ong and Nicholas Chiu respectively, were in Australia for a series of roadshows:

14 August — Crypto Sydney Meetup, Sydney

15 August — Talk & Trade, Blockchain Centre, Melbourne

16 August — Web3 Meetup, Melbourne

Nicholas shared about how BridgeX Network provides for an ecosystem for businesses to connect on the decentralised economy. The infrastructure for credit, conversions, and payments allows any business to provide fully-integrated credit transfer and crypto-to-fiat conversion services to their customers. Each session was interactive with engaging questions from the audiences.

Check out how our Australia trip went!

Catch a video recording of one of the sessions here: https://www.facebook.com/blockchaincentre/videos/316164308957055/?t=3690

Follow us as we journey through our international ICO roadshow:

Telegram: https://t.me/bridgexnetwork

Telegram Announcements Channel: https://t.me/bridgexnetwork_announcement

Website: https://bridgex.network

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bridgexnetwork

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/bridgexnetwork

