Bridging the Gap (2/2) — Bridging To The Future

Bridging Future
Bridging To The Future
3 min readOct 9, 2015

Previously we were discussing the initial steps that a entrepreneur needs to take, according to The Bridge Model.

The Bridge Model is a flexible framework that is designed to support and enable self-starters with a bigger view to develop economic independence. Bridges 1 & 2 have taken us to the stage of having a successfully operating business. What next?

Bridge 3

Bridge 3 is central to those entrepreneurs who are now running a viable and successful business but would like to grow it. This step often takes the longest as it requires a ‘big picture’ view and very careful deliberation as to where the entrepreneur wishes to take their business. How to develop business strategy, perform Operations Audits, finding the optimum between marketing and advertising, and putting in middle leadership structures all are found on this third bridge.

Hopefully, this business in now operating on profit and can start looking at contributing directly to its local community and economy (see our SEEB series here).

Bridge 4

The role of the Coach changes slightly over the course of Bridge 4: they become a critical eye to scrutinise the entrepreneur’s plans and support them to move forward. At this stage, the entrepreneur has had their talents nurtured and developed and so the coaching relationship trends to becoming a friendship. Importantly, they appreciate the fact that the entrepreneur has a successful business and so don’t ask the basic questions. Among 12 steps are: relationships and networking, utilising personnel and human capital, and leading a strengthening business.

We believe that economically independent businesses are a crucial part of creating capacity to make life, society, and business work better and to strengthen and sustain local, regional, and global well-being. So, developing these businesses remains at the forefront of what we do.

The Bridge Model for Job Creation is the result of a two year strategic partnership between six organisations from five countries. The impact, learning, and future benefit of Bridging the Gap is a product of the hard work and dedication of our partners. Please get in touch if you wish to link up and work with and of these organisations.

The Bridging to the Gap Consortium:
Bridging to the Future (United Kingdom)
Business Development Friesland (The Netherlands)
Academy of Entrepreneurship (Greece)
Business Incubator Gotse Delchev (Bulgaria)
Merseyside Expanding Horisons (United Kingdom)
Everis (Spain)

The project Bridging the Gap had been funded with support from the European Commission. This article reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.




Bridging Future
Bridging To The Future

Business Incubator in Birmingham, that helps to establish Social Enterprises and Small Businesses. MD @DuncChamberlain Blog: