Bridging The Gap — Two Years Developing Methods of Job Creation in The EU

Daniel Zastawny
Bridging To The Future
2 min readSep 30, 2015

Bridging To The Future, over the last two years, has led a strategic partnership which adapted “The Bridge Model” to be used in new socio-cultural & linguistic contexts. The Bridge Model is an innovative methodology of training & developing entrepreneurs, with a strong focus on one-on-one support which has seen over 30 businesses launched across Europe.

Utilising a ‘Transfer of Innovation’ funding stream from Leonardo Bridging To The Future was able to identify regions and organisations where the need for entrepreneurial growth and locally-led economic development was most needed and partner with these to explore, adapt and test The Bridge Model in their contexts. (Athens, Gotse-Delchev, Madrid, Friesland & Liverpool). The two year project saw 40+ individuals in these five locations go through the model and you can hear more about their journeys in the videos here.

The transfer enabled partner organisations to learn new methods of developing, especially amongst hard-to-reach individuals (e.g. the young at risk of social exclusion), the key competencies needed for developing enterprises. The focus was on local people, without formal business experience, to be coached by VET tutors & active entrepreneurs to develop the qualities, experiences, attitudes & skills of business in order to create & operate their own micro-businesses. This enhanced their capacity & capability to operate a successful business & create employment
Bridging The Gap was an excellent example of successful partnership working and collaboration — with the result already being further exploitation and collaboration activities happening between partners. Key results worth highlighting include:

- 12 business launched, and jobs created, across the 5 participating countries.
- A set of tools, and organisations, able to grow entrepreneurs in diverse socio-economic contexts (see more here)
- The start of a network of pan-European grassroots organisations trying to directly instigate local economic development.

The Bridging The Gap has played a big role in developing BTF’s understanding of the needs of diverse and disparate communities across Europe and has seen the beginnings of partners and approaches which can facilitate individuals here to forge their own path to economic independence.



Daniel Zastawny
Bridging To The Future

Fan of Civic Laughs & Social Change | Unsung Hero @Bridgingfuture | Co-founder @ImpactHubBrum | Trustee @lenchs_trust | FRSA | Bird Gang |