The History of the Medieval World: Brief Book Review

History, from the Beginning (Book #7)

Brief Book Reviews
Published in
Oct 10, 2020


In 2018 I realised my knowledge of history was plain bad. This series charts my re-education, starting from the big bang and working my way to present day one book at a time. (Learn more)

Bauer in these books doesn’t offer much interpretation,choosing to piece together the what and allowing the reader to make sense of the why. While some may find the endless stream of royalty and relatives, generals and usurpers tiring, it offers, in my view, a more accurate depiction of history. In The History of the Medieval World, Bauer allows us to judge the deeds of Constantine, El Cid and Charlemagne in the context of their time, before being mythified in our collective imagination.



Brief Book Reviews

Lecturer in higher education who loves creating learning experiences. Find me at