Briefly gets a major refresh

Colin O'Malley
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2022
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Over the last several months, the Briefly team has been hard at work behind the scenes, collaborating on a series of major product initiatives that we haven’t been able to talk publicly about. It HURTS! Because we want to share our work with you, and we want to hear your feedback.

We’re now ready to run with the first of those projects: a substantial refresh of the core Briefly product.

Launching today on

  • Redesigned UI: We have a substantially revamped UI that includes a refreshed visual take on virtually everything. You will still find your content organized into scrollable feeds, but every part of the visual language of posts, user contributions, anchors, and highlights, has been refined to be (we hope) more clear, more social, and more fun.
  • Feeds no longer strictly organized by anchors: To date, feeds have been broken into sections strictly organized by anchors. Now you will find posts labeled with anchors, but they will be sorted based on predicted value to you, including whether you follow the anchor, but also based on recency and popularity.
  • User contributions are the central unit: We’re still helping you riff off of 3rd party content, but your takes, which can now include highlights, comments, or both, are no longer hiding behind the posts. One post can generate a dozen individual takes from users, and each of those takes will float into feeds as discrete units of content. With user contributions at the fore, the site immediately feels more social, and for specific vertical communities, the feed begins to feel less like a news app, and more like a feed of sentiment and analysis from people you know and trust. Individual post pages also become feeds of takes from the community. You can get the news in lots of places, but where can you see how your peers are assessing this information in realtime?

We’re super excited to launch these changes and we’re eager to hear how you are using the app, including what you love and what you want to see. In the coming days, we’ll be launching more detailed tutorials for specific features.

So dive in and give the new Briefly a spin!

Please feel free to drop us feedback on Twitter or dive a level deeper with us on the forum.



founder, ceo



Colin O'Malley

Founder of Briefly (@briefly_tldr) and @lucidprivacy, & co-founder of @ghostery. City kid, biker, runner, happy hubby & dad.