Choose Right Query Tool — DBeaver vs Datagrip

Teepob Harutaipree
Bright Days
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2020

No matter how good you are on executing tasks, without a good tool to you will miss the chance to boost productivity and save more time on trivial stuff since the tools are already equipped with those features.

← Agenda →

  • UI Comparison
  • Pros and Cons
  • Summary
  • Tips

Basic DB tasks include: querying data, exporting data, view/design schema. The scope of this comparison is to get the general idea of how the two perform on these common tasks.

It is important to find the right tool for the right job. DBeaver and Datagrip are both crossed-platform tools that are very powerful when dealing with multiple database sources.

Datagrip UI
Dbeaver UI
Functionality Comparison

🐻 DBeaver

  • Easy to use
  • Has slightly more SQL generation and data export options
  • Reference window of the related keys and tables is shown and you can jump to the related data easily
  • FREE version

🚀 Datagrip Extra Power

  • The ability to filter/introspect only part of the tables/schema is so GREAT for visibility and management
  • Better Keyword Highlight and Suggestion
  • VCS — Version Control (Git)
  • Customizable Snippet for quick scripting
  • Debugging support for PL/SQL of Oracle 9.0 Server

Both offers

  • Various Driver support
  • Diagram Schema visualization
  • UI Record Editing
  • Attaching Project Folder to access or save script files easily

Dbeaver Enterprise Edition

Apart from Free edition, you could try Dbeaver EE Version (Enterprise) 19USD/mo. Which comes with features like:

  • More connections
  • Query Builder
  • Data Viewer Editor
  • Special Extensions Support for NoSQL/ Big data

← Tips →

  1. Create folders

Use Folders to organize/group multiple connections from different sources.

Create Folder Dbeaver and Datagrip

2. Inline Output

In Datagrip you can show Inline output window for each highlighted line of execution.

Right-click empty area and select In-Editor results

Please let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions, thoughts, or tips that would be useful for others…


← References →

➤ Datagrip:

➤ Dbeaver:



Teepob Harutaipree
Bright Days

💻 Full stack Developer who likes to exercise 🏊‍♂️and living the healthy lifestyles. 📑 Exploring and incorporating productivity tools in daily routine.