The Best LinkedIn Alternative for Powerful Networking at Your Organization

Keith Hannon
Published in
Apr 26, 2022
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What happened to that water cooler talk? Or that camaraderie while yelling across cubicles when a deal closes or a promotion is accepted?

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, the work world is forever changed. According to research by FlexJobs, 65% of surveyed employees want to work remotely permanently. Another 31% of respondents want to be part of a hybrid work environment. The power has shifted from employers to employees, and companies must evolve to engage employees in innovative ways if they want to retain them.

If you’re hoping to connect your community at work in a meaningful way that spans geographic distances, LinkedIn and private community social groups are no longer sufficient.

Here’s why.



Keith Hannon

Hollywood drop-out turned Cornell University fundraiser, now advancing schools/NPs/businesses via BrightCrowd. Politician, comedian, 3x dad.