Social Justice

Honoring MLK Day: 12 Things You (Yes, You) Can Do

How to show up without crowding in, appropriating or virtue signaling

Cassie Brighter
Brighter Thoughts
Published in
7 min readJan 15, 2024


January 15 is more than just a nod to history; it’s a vivid call to action. Martin Luther King Jr. was a beacon of personal courage and social change, not just a figure of passive resistance. His legacy is an enduring challenge to the status quo. Let’s explore how we all, especially white folks, can genuinely honor this day, infused with his revolutionary spirit.

Educate Yourself

Go beyond the surface. King’s fight for racial and economic equality was deep and complex. Educate yourself about his broader vision. King was a radical man of action. His “I Have a Dream” speech, while iconic, is just one facet of his profound narrative. Dive into “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” or “Strength to Love” to grasp the depth of his fight against racism and poverty.



Cassie Brighter
Brighter Thoughts

Activist. Public speaker. Writer. Community Organizer. Mom. Creator & Host, Empowered Trans Woman Summit. Managing Editor,