I Unfollowed Everyone On Instagram And This Is What Happened

No, this is not about losing followers

Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2021


Foto door Cristian Dina via Pexels

Sorry, I need to apologise for this terrible, clickbait-y heading. But hey, I got your attention! There’s a damn good reason I tried this. And it’s not for the sake of an experiment. We need to talk about Instagram and our personal well-being.

I started with Instagram back in 2011, September 8 to be exact. I remember like yesterday, I was so happy I finally had an iPhone. Instagram was an iOS-only app back then, I was now able to share photos on the app as well. It was my second month working for a jazz company and I had to go to an event. I shot a picture of a saxophone player and his combo. The quality was terrible and the filters back in the days where uhm… Not as good either.

As a kid I always loved to take pictures and I still do. Instagram was a great way of collecting the pictures I shot and remembering those moments. I’ve loved it for many, many years and I’ve been very active for a long time. I never aspired to be an influencer on the platform but I did like experimenting with the app. Hashtags, location tagging, algorithms, Instagram kept evolving and I tried to keep up.

Until it was enough.

Why I deleted my account



Brighter Every Day

Always looking for a great story. Journalist and writer living in The Netherlands. On freelance work, creativity, and writing. Not writing a book.