7 Mistakes to Avoid When Learning a new Language

Brightlab — Smart Ideas for All.
4 min readFeb 7, 2017

Learning a new language is an adventure on its own, and like in any other adventure in life, the more prepared you are, the higher chances you will have to be successful. Being aware of the obstacles that can be stopping you from making progress will make things much easier in your learning experience.

We have identified some common mistakes that people make when learning a new language that you should avoid if you want to successfully master a new language.

Being afraid of making mistakes

Thinking that you will never make mistakes is just not realistic. People make mistakes all the time, especially when learning something new. In fact, making mistakes is a fundamental part of learning. If you’re making mistakes, you’re in the right learning path because it means that you’re trying and learning something new.

So, don’t try to deny that mistakes exist, but instead make them your best allies. Learn from your mistakes and don’t let them stop you.

Feeling embarrassed of your pronunciation

Languages can be really complex and different from one another. There are many different sounds and rules that don’t apply to all languages in the same way.

Don’t feel embarrassed. You’re learning, and although it may seem really hard to get that particular sound or to pronounce that particular word, you will get it right if you keep practicing.

The idea is that you never stop practicing. Being embarrassed is not going to make you pronounce words any better. Be proud of yourself for learning something new and keep on going!

Comparing yourself to others

It can be overwhelming to look at other people’s progress and think that you haven’t learned enough or that it’s taking you longer to learn than it’s taking others. Well, forget about others. Not everybody learns the same way and we make progress in different ways. There are different learning styles and different experiences. Always remember that.

Although it’s easy to get caught up comparing yourself to others because we have been part of an educational system that is always testing us and comparing us to our peers, always remember to stick to your goals and to your own progress. That’s your ticket to success. If you keep focusing on other people’s progress, you will start losing sight of what matters: your own progress. That’s why you should focus on yourself and your own learning experience.

Getting obsessed with grammar

It might seem overwhelming to think about all the rules and all the differences between Spanish and English. It is understandable to worry about not being able to understand everything.

Nobody can deny that grammar is an important aspect of language, but although important, there are other factors in language learning to focus on, such as communication. If you obsess too much over grammar, chances are that you will forget about the other aspects of the language learning process.

Don’t let grammar scare you away. It will come with time. Focus on learning something new and practice your communication skills. Once you’re more immersed in the language, grammar will seem much easier.

Making learning something boring

It’s easy to associate learning with boredom and it shouldn’t be like that. We believe learning should be enjoyable and fun.

Make learning interesting for you by personalizing your learning experience. As we have said before, not everybody learns the same way because not everybody likes the same things. So use things you like to motivate yourself. For example, read about your favorite topics or watch cool videos about things you find interesting. The options are endless.

Giving up

Learning a language is a long lasting process. You won’t learn a language overnight. Actually, you will never stop learning, because languages evolve just as society changes.

Learning a new language takes time and practice, so don’t stop trying. You will eventually get it, though. Always remember that and never give up.

Stop practicing

We couldn’t emphasize this more. Like most things that you learn in life, languages are all about practice, practice, and more practice. Doing so will not only let you rehearse what you have already learned, but also give you confidence and open doors for you to learn new things.

So, never forget that learning a new language is a process and not a moment. Take some time every day to practice what you have learned or start learning something new. You won’t even realize when your new language has gone to the next level.

Learning a new language is easier than you think

Although learning a new language can sound hard and time-consuming, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can make it easier and most importantly, enjoy it.

You will certainly make mistakes. There might be a thing or two that you won’t get at first, but you shouldn’t worry; it’s part of the process. There will be a point in which learning will become smoother and easier, and having the ability to express yourself in a language other than your native language is an amazing feeling.

It’s important that you focus on your goals and what you want to achieve rather than on the specifics and the difficulties. Look for ways to make your language learning experience easier and more enjoyable. No matter if it’s just a little bit or a lot, use the knowledge that you have acquired and never stop learning new things.

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