BrightSide Launches Testnet!

BrightSide Team
BrightSide Finance
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2022

Captain BrightSide, Chief Trader at BrightSide Finance — the latest contender in the AlgoVerse for ultimate TVL champion — stared out into the darkness that expanded before him. In the distance, the pulsing flashes of craft’s signal lights could be seen approaching. He quivered with excitement. It was time. And they were coming in their droves…

BrightSide Logo and Caption reading “BrightSide Testnet Launch”


That stands for “in case you missed it” — we don’t have time to write the full headline because things are moving too fast at the moment…

The Milkomeda A1 platform has launched its mainnet! This is a truly exciting time to be a member of #algofam!

The BrightSide team have been working closely with the Milkomeda team to ensure that we are amongst the first projects to launch on this amazing new platform. A1 needs a DEX as soon as possible to ensure that the user experience is as amazing as possible. They need us, and that means we need you!

BrightSide Finance Testnet

The BrightSide Finance Testnet is now live! Access our Testnet through the BrightSide Finance website!

To ensure that we are providing a product that meets the needs of users, we are kindly asking that you try as hard as possible to break it! To set yourselves up for testing, please refer to our comprehensive user guide.

Screenshot of BrightSide Testnet DEX

Testnet Feedback and Bounty Hunter Rewards

Please report any bugs or provide constructive feedback in our BrightSide Discord “testnet” channel.

BrightSide Finance will offer compensation, at its discretion, for the identification of any significant bugs.

What Comes Next?

Within the next two weeks, expect the launch of our mainnet, the launch of our $BRIGHT token IDO, updated media documentation and more!

After a period of hibernation, we are exploding out of the blocks with face melting speed! Make sure you jump on our socials to keep up!

