Lara’s Dream

[ poem by Maximilian G. Wolf ]

Maximilian G. Wolf
Brigid’s Arrow
2 min readJan 15, 2023


Photo by Bruce Christianson on Unsplash

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An image from a parallel reality

they knit is shaped by long stories.

From the words built, dense branches

cover the bubbling waters of passion.

Green eyes in the distant darkness

glow and send purple waves.


A summer day is the name of the hunger

while we sit at the table

in the restaurant next to the church.

A message on the garden table

and the chair is waiting

desire tickles your face and turquoise eyes,

uncovered your depth.

A hand’s touch that greets,

a grip and a wolf’s gaze

are the conquerors imprinted in the memory.


Your passion is so wild and crazy,

the hunger of the lioness for the love bodies.

When the body is fed — the hungry soul

cannot be loaded with colorful stories.

You rush across borders and want a verse; you search

and scratch the sand with your nails.

Only skeletons flinch up, which throws you into despair.

You sit and cry in the sand,

with dirty white clothes and a tearful face.


A deep water ocean stretches between us,

and there are many blue flowers in the distant plain fields.

You come to me via piano keys

jumping over glasses full of wine with your bare feet,

and play the poetry of every drop.

White breasts water my lips

while I sit naked on the floor at your feet.

I’m looking for a way into the light

at the crossroads of your body.

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