Who Uses React Native?

Lukasz Sajkowski
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2017

Many worldwide companies have already found out the basic advantages of this technology.

React Native React Native is an underestimated technology of our time. Have you ever wondered what can you do to create mobile apps faster and more efficiently? React Native gives you the possibility to do not only that but even more.

React Native is a technology that is described as the technology where:”you don’t build a “mobile web app”, an “HTML5 app”, or a “hybrid app”. You build a real mobile app that’s indistinguishable from an app built using Objective-C or Java.” Facebook shared React Native with the world in 2015 as a technology that will change the view of creating mobile apps.

A lot has changed since then and there are more world known companies that used React Native in the mobile apps you use every day.

1. Facebook

The idea behind creating React Native was to bring simplicity to the whole idea of creating a mobile app. Facebook converted the Events Dashboard feature in the Facebook for iOS app to React Native to achieve better results in shorter startup time. The final improvement made it possible for the startup time to happen in only 2 seconds on iPhone 5, which is now twice faster than before.

2. Instagram

Instagram needed a technology that would allow them to ship features faster. Their biggest challenge was to intergrate React Native into an already existing app. The first view they started working on was the Push Notifications view. The main goal was to reduce startups times. In the end React Native helped product teams ship many features faster and more effciiently.

3. Airbnb

Airbnb has already had an existing and large iOS and Android code base and also working teams of engineers with very little knowledge of JavaScript or React. Fortunately they overcame the problems and made React Native work for them as well.

4. Walmart

Walmart has made it their #1 goal to satisfy their customers. They knew that the current web views they use are much below theirs and their customers expectations. After looking for solutions they come up with ideas to use React Native in order to change the existing hybrid web views which had a non-existing native feel. Their goal was to provide Walmart’s customers with a better and smoother experience.

The biggest advantages of React Native over native solutions were:

better productivity easier code sharing between iOS and Android no need to go through app store approval much faster time-to-market performance is nearly identical to native.


React Native has helped many different companies bring their mobile applications to the next level. The framework is growing very fast with more and more developers seeing its advantages. If you want to learn more about how it can help you visit React Native’s homepage and see how your project can benefit from it.

This article was originally taken from Briisk Blog.

