Top Reasons to Invest in Real Estate Online

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2 min readMay 4, 2020

Why should investors consider investing in real estate online?

The full article can be found on Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate Online

With each passing year, investing online is becoming more and more common. The same can be said about investments in the real estate sector. A couple of years ago, if someone mentioned real estate investing, most people would have imagined corporate investors with large capital and years of experience. In 2020, the situation has changed though. With many new online possibilities, the entire real estate market is evolving rapidly. This trend is taking place at an international level.

Online investing in real estate is booming. To explain why we decided to share our top 5 reasons for investing in real estate online and what advantages it brings over traditional real estate investing.

1. Accessibility

As mentioned previously, people tend to think about the real estate market as being a playground for the rich. With traditional real estate investing, they are probably right. The barriers to entering such a market are usually very high: from requiring international bank accounts and accreditations to financial reports and funds. Simply said, it’s a no-go zone for regular people or inexperienced investors.

However, the same can’t be said about investing in real estate online. The duration of the registration process varies from minutes to hours. Most crowdfunding platforms require a KYC (Know Your Customer) verification, which takes 10–20 minutes to complete and 2–3 days to be verified (in some cases the process can be instant). One way or another, the entire process is completed online and is many times faster than the traditional way.

Related: Benefits of Real Estate Crowdfunding for Millennials

2. Lower financial requirements

Most people don’t invest in the traditional real estate market because they know how financially demanding it is. After all, how many people have €300 000 of savings to invest in a property in Barcelona for example? This is why investing through crowdfunding is a very handy and attractive alternative. It requires only a minimum investment amount and…

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