UK Property Crowdfunding Report

Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2020

Real estate crowdfunding is known as the fastest-growing part of the crowdfunding industry, which is predicted to reach $300 billion by 2025.

Since the industry continues to grow, it is starting to reach a point where it needs to be examined not only globally, but locally as well.

For this reason, the BrikkApp research and analysis team recently took a close look at the property crowdfunding market in the United Kingdom.

The purpose of the research was to put together a comprehensive report for our users and partners with insightful data about the UK online property market.

UK property crowdfunding report — Table of Contents

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UK property crowdfunding market

The UK property crowdfunding market is one of the largest in the world and is getting bigger every year. Currently, it consists of more than 40 investment platforms.

Insights that can be found in the report:

  • 5 largest platforms in the UK (based on the total amount of money raised)
  • The ratio between commercial and residential projects
  • Average yields for commercial and residential projects + nationwide average
  • The ratio between equity and debt-based projects
  • Number of new platforms on the market per year

For further information about the platforms and more data about the UK property crowdfunding market, you can access the report by clicking the link below

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UK property crowdfunding report — Preview

BrikkApp has built a property crowdfunding investments aggregator. It compares real estate investments worldwide to allow individual investors to find the best investment opportunities from as little as 100 EUR.

BrikkApp’s database offers an independent overview and data for more than 200 real estate crowdfunding platforms around the world. To access this database register for free.



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BrikkApp is an international investments marketplace bringing our users trustworthy data and experience from the online property investment world.