Brilliant Basics ™ “bb” — what’s next?

Making life simply better™

Brilliant Basics
Brilliant Basics


Recently we completed our fourth year since our incorporation in 2012. And needless to say it has been an amazing ride — full of excitement, humility, achievements, recognitions, learnings, courage, fear, friendships, complexities, empathy and air miles. We are no longer a startup even though we have the same “startup spirit” we had four years ago.

We have managed to create value from thin air, we have created employment and careers for people. We have provided opportunities for interns and work experiences for school and university students around the world.

Our bb teams have successfully designed and delivered tools, conversations, experiences, environments and services that are being touched by millions of people every day and on the flip side helped organisations embrace innovation and change. So, all in all a really positive impact.

As we enter our next chapter, we have been challenging ourselves about what would the next four years look like for bb. What do we want to be known for and what is our value proposition?

Let’s start with our vision and mission, we have left our vision intact however we have marginally updated our mission statement to build on our foundation.

Vision: making life simply better

Mission: create brilliant digital product experiences, that reliably deliver value to customers and businesses

To unpack what making life simply better™ means for our customers, stakeholders and employees, our belief is that we have the power to make a positive contribution by creating digital product experiences that:

  • Solve real problems
  • Enable and empower people
  • Deliver value
  • Fit into people’s lives
  • Focus on getting the basics right first
The experience when business meets design by Brian Solis

Now to unpack our mission statement create brilliant digital product experiences, that reliably deliver value to customers and businesses.

Product — We help our clients and partners create things that satisfy needs — products. They may come in the form of applications, virtual reality, devices, services, installations, and the like. They are usually digital at the core but embedded within a context of people, business and processes that make them valuable.

Experience — Customer experience is more important than ever. We put customers at the heart of our work. Designing great products means designing great experiences.

Our ways of working (C2C — conversation to creation), our “T-shaped” cross functional teams, our global perspectives, our “hive” setup that is focused on the product and customer from the get go and our collective experiences will continue to allow us to reliably deliver magic to the customers and money to the businesses.

bb’s Conversation to Creation process designed for responsive companies

So, where are we positioning bb? Before we reveal that let’s understand where we are seeing the “value leakage”. Generally we see three key stages to product design, delivery and scale process.


IDEA: What happens is companies come in to help with innovative ideas and produce Powerpoint presentations — an expensive process.
SHAPING: The ideal next stage would be to shape the ideas and making the idea into a real product/service offering. Generally this stage gets missed out.
EXECUTION: Next the clients outsource or insource to cheaply create the product, but it doesn’t live up to the original idea or doesn’t succeed because it was not shaped and thought through.

bb provides tremendous value where our clients and partners already have brilliant ideas and strategy, we make them into real products that users love and that help transform the business. And we do this by simplifying and selecting those brilliant ideas (and strategies) and shaping them into product strategy, customer experience, functional prototypes through our C2C workshops, rapid product design approach to get to customers quickly. Then we maintain the vision by executing the product experience by bringing design, technology and operationalisation in a reliable and rapid way.

And in some cases where our clients are struggling to come up with innovative ideas and business strategy, we offer innovation process and ideation as a complementary service. However our edge is our ability to rapidly design and deliver the product to the customers.

Our focus going forward is to become the shapers of our client’s and partner’s brilliant ideas into real and valuable digital product experiences in a fast, reliable and affordable way.

Brilliant Basics “bb” — Making life simply better.

Anand Verma, Founder and CEO of Brilliant Basics av @

