Six weeks designing at brilliant basics “bb”: just my cup of tea

Brilliant Basics
Brilliant Basics


By Justine Yucesan, a bb intern

It seemed quite fitting that I began my design-thinking career in the land of tea. My interest in the subject began over a conversation about optimal teakettle designs and tea-making experiences earlier this year in a Design, Thinking and Doing course at Northwestern University.

On the first day, I remember watching my professor, an ex-IDEO member, place the basic utensils to make the hot beverage in front of a sceptical bunch of college students and ask us: “So, can someone talk me through all the steps to make a cup of tea?” That later turned out to be the start to one of the most challenging and thought-provoking discussions in the most engaging class I have taken to date, in which I was exposed to collaborative problem solving through user centred design.

How does this lead me to a six-week internship in design at bb? In truth, I wasn’t entirely certain that I would find my calling in what seemed like a small digital design agency. As a student who liked to wander a little too much, I was essentially curious to see if design was a sustainable path of interest for me. Yet, my increase in knowledge and passion for design, as well as a newfound excitement, was more than I had expected. My time at bb broadened my understanding of the design process as a challenge to find the middle ground between creative and functional. I learned to approach each task differently depending on specific geographical, technical or other client-required constraints. The environment at bb encouraged me to explore potential solutions on my own and to bring my personal touch to an array of projects, while always providing sound knowledge, direction and support.

Design isn’t only about the aesthetic anymore and its solutions need to be constantly transforming to keep up with our continuously changing world, making it a fascinating and evolving field; my short six weeks at bb definitely solidified this notion for me. From facilitating the digital experience for students and professors in higher education, to providing investors with self-sufficient tools to make informed financial decisions, to creating the ideal conditions and appliances to satisfy a tea craving, design has become, as bb puts it, about “creating products that make life simply better”.

I can definitely say that I left bb with a newfound set of skills and a better idea of the dynamics of a design agency. Yet, I still look back on my time at bb, not simply as “work experience”, but as one of personal growth, prompted by the trust and encouragement of those around me. The people I met were interested and interesting individuals who have helped shape my present professional aspirations and passions, and made me realise my full potential. To inspire creativity in order to attain brilliant solutions, you have to surround yourself with brilliant people, foster these connections and never cease to learn more from them; that is undoubtedly my biggest takeaway.

I would like to extend a huge thanks to the entire team at bb for such a warm welcome and an even bigger thanks to bb who took me under his wing during my internship and for being so patient and trusting with me. I don’t think that brilliance can be transmitted or taught, but I can confidently say that I’ve never learned more from any other mentor; I will definitely make sure to carry the professional and human skills he equipped me with, wherever my path leads me to next.

