BigQuery vs Redshift: What to Learn in 2024 with Trends Explained

Deepanshu tyagi
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2024

Bigquery Vs Redshift Trends

Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash

In this blog, we’ll look at the ever-evolving terrain of data engineering, with a focus on two giants: Amazon Redshift and Google BigQuery.

These data warehouses are well-known for their creativity and provide fully managed solutions for a wide range of data demands. The choice between RedShift and BigQuery is critical for enterprises negotiating the intricacies of cloud-based analytics.

Key Highlights:

  • Fully managed data warehousing solution by Amazon.
  • Storage capacity ranging from gigabytes to petabytes.
  • Utilizes parallel processing and data compression for efficient data handling.
  • Data stored in computed resources called nodes, forming clusters and slices.
  • Offers security features at no additional cost.

Key Features:


  • Serves a wide range of business requirements.
  • RedShift Serverless for quick analytics scaling.
  • Query Editor v2 for SQL ease in data engineering.
  • Supports major programming languages through Redshift Data API.

Data Analysis Simplified:

  • Enables querying and exporting data to/from the warehouse.
  • Queries using ANSI SQL, supporting JSON and CSV formats in S3.
  • AWS service integration and data sharing across different AWS accounts.

Scalability and Performance:

  • Optimizes query speed with Advanced Query Accelerator and RA3 instances.
  • Utilizes machine learning and result caching for faster query results.

Top-notch Security:

  • End-to-end encryption and network isolation for robust security.
  • Integration with AWS CloudTrail for auditing RedShift API calls.

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Google BigQuery


Multi-cloud Functionality:

  • Analyzes data present in more than one cloud.
  • Decouples storage and compute components for flexibility.

ML Integration:

  • Built-in ML integration for creating and executing ML models.
  • Executes ML models using simple SQL queries, eliminating the need for separate ML solutions.

Speed and Simplicity:

  • Uses BI engine for high concurrency and quick response times.
  • Processes billions of rows quickly.

Automated Data Transfer:

  • Simple and automated data transfer.
  • Supports loading data from other data warehouses into BigQuery.

Comparison: Amazon RedShift vs. Google BigQuery


  • Close call, both backed by tech giants.
  • BigQuery’s pricing based on data volume; RedShift limited by running node.
  • Free trial periods available for performance evaluation.


  • BigQuery offers structured and well-planned scalability.
  • On-demand pricing model provides control over resource assignment.
  • RedShift has limitations in distributing workload across clusters.


  • RedShift requires basic understanding of nodes and clusters.
  • Periodic management activities needed.
  • BigQuery is serverless, no knowledge required for setup; automatic scaling.


  • BigQuery’s SQL-like interface simplifies tasks.
  • RedShift requires understanding of warehousing concepts; longer learning curve.


  • Both have robust security; RedShift uses Amazon IAM, BigQuery uses Google Cloud IAM.
  • Google has B2B identity management with OAuth for specific operations.


  • BigQuery charges for storage, inserts, and queries individually.
  • RedShift charges per node covering both storage and processing.
  • RedShift ideal for everyday operations; BigQuery for variable workloads and data mining.

Current Google Trends for Bigquery vs Redhshift


Global Map


Based on current Google Trends, BigQuery is gaining popularity due to its user-friendly features.

In 2024, consider beginning your learning journey with BigQuery.

When to Choose Amazon RedShift or Google BigQuery

Choose Amazon RedShift When:

Stability and Consistency:

  • Your organization values stability and consistency in data operations.
  • You have predictable workloads and can benefit from a reserved-slots pricing model.

Deep AWS Integration:

  • Your infrastructure heavily relies on AWS services, and you want seamless integration.
  • AWS CloudTrail integration for auditing API calls is a priority.

Well-established Warehousing Concepts:

  • Your team has a solid understanding of warehousing concepts, nodes, and clusters.
  • You are willing to invest time in periodic management activities like cleaning and vacuuming tables.

Everyday Data Warehouse Operations:

  • Your business primarily involves everyday data warehouse operations with relatively stable workloads.
  • You prefer a pricing model that covers both storage and processing with a node-based approach.

Choose Google BigQuery When:

Flexibility and Scalability:

  • Your organization requires flexibility and scalability for variable workloads.
  • On-demand pricing model is preferred, providing complete control over resource assignment.

Multi-cloud Functionality:

  • Analyzing data present in more than one cloud is crucial for your business.
  • You appreciate the decoupling of storage and compute components for flexibility.

ML Integration and Automation:

  • Machine learning integration and the ability to create and execute ML models with SQL queries is a priority.
  • You prefer a serverless solution that requires minimal knowledge for setup and management.

Quick Response Times and Data Mining:

  • Quick response times and the ability to process large volumes of data for data mining operations are essential.
  • You want a simplified and automated data transfer process without coding.

If you’re interested in a blog about mastering BigQuery and essential techniques, feel free to leave a comment below.

