Best of the Year from Invincible Career

Larry Cornett, Ph.D.
Published in
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4 min readJan 2, 2021
Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

I apologize if you have already received this. Medium doesn’t give me much control over my publications’ email lists. I switched to publishing my Medium articles under my Invincible Career publication in 2019, so please follow my writing there if you’d like to stay in touch.

In 2020, I spent hundreds of hours creating over 130 personal and professional development articles and podcasts to share with you. If my writing has enriched your life this year, helped you find a job, or given you more confidence at work, please consider subscribing to my newsletter. Thank you!

🎧 If you want to hear me talk about this story and go into more detail: Listen now.

It’s hard to see the forest for the trees with all of the articles I’ve written. So, I wanted to do an end of the year wrap-up to categorize and summarize everything for you.

More often than you might imagine, people ask for my advice on a topic, and I can point them to a specific story that I’ve written about it. Sometimes people are already subscribers or followers, but it’s easy to miss something over the course of a year!

I hope this helps! Next week, I will kick off a whole new year of writing. 🎉

Invincible Freedom and Career

Success and Happiness


Remote Work

Job Search and Interviews

Cover Letters and Resumes

Dealing with Layoffs

Introversion and Extroversion


Work Relationships



Professional Challenges and Quick Tips

Thanks for being a reader!

In 2021, I’m looking forward to writing more articles and recording more podcasts for you. I have no employees, interns, or even an assistant. This is a one-person labor of love that is my passion and a part of how I make a living.

Thank you for being a loyal reader and I appreciate your support!

Larry Cornett is a Leadership Coach and Business Advisor. He lives in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with his wife and children and a Great Dane. He shares professional advice that helps you reclaim your power and regain your freedom! You can also find him on Twitter @cornett.



Larry Cornett, Ph.D.

I'm a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your professional career, lifestyle business, & personal life. Become Invincible!