Do you know if you can live with your decisions?

Firmly define your career breaking points before it’s too late

Larry Cornett, Ph.D.


You’re going to be asked to do a lot of things during your career. Some will be expected and appropriate. Some will be uncomfortable, but actually good for you. However, some may even be illegal. A few decisions could haunt you for the rest of your life. If you define your non-negotiable boundaries now, you’ll avoid the slippery slope of decisions that can damage your career later.

There is a difference between discomfort that is good for your growth vs. something that is in conflict with your moral compass. For example, you may feel great discomfort about being asked to do some public speaking. It is personally uncomfortable, but it isn’t wrong. In fact, it will help you grow and accelerate your career.

However, being asked to fire people just because someone else feels that they must be fired will feel wrong. You need to deal with performance issues, of course. But, it should be your decision based on data you gather, not someone else’s assessment.

Occasionally, bad leaders pass the burden down to you to fire people. They don’t want to deal with the messy issues associated with it. However, you have to live with that action. And there may be legal consequences if the person…



Larry Cornett, Ph.D.

I'm a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your professional career, lifestyle business, & personal life. Become Invincible!