Larry Cornett, Ph.D.
Published in
1 min readOct 31, 2017


Sorry to hear that things have gone off course. I know how overwhelming that can feel.

If you can take the time, it helps to get some distance and perspective to reassess the situation and determine if the path is still one you want to be following. If it truly is, then you can work on a plan for getting back on course.

But, sometimes you find that what seemed like going “off course” was actually taking you onto a better path for the next phase of your life. I know that it’s hard to see that when you’re deep in the struggle though. Viewing it from a few different perspectives can help you recognize better alternatives.

A trusted friend or family member can often help with this. They bring a different and refreshing perspective to the table. Having someone else to serve as an advisor/sounding board has helped me a lot in the past.



Larry Cornett, Ph.D.

I'm a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your professional career, lifestyle business, & personal life. Become Invincible!