Why do we disdainfully dismiss some of the best things in life?

So many missed opportunities…

Larry Cornett, Ph.D.


My youngest son recently had a birthday and I was able to spend the day with him. For many, many years, when my children had birthdays, I was lucky if I saw them in the morning before I left for work. I tried really hard to leave early (i.e., 5 PM) to be home for their birthday dinners. Sometimes, the nightmare traffic in the Bay Area sabotaged that plan.

My new business gives me 100x the freedom of my old corporate jobs. Now, I get to celebrate their birthdays with them, from morning until night. I may do some work in the margins on my phone, but I’m with them for the first time in many years. I hope that it isn’t too late. I hope they remember it and value our time together.

I was thinking back on my own childhood birthdays and trying to remember the gifts. I can only remember two, and both were free.

  1. A friend brought me a puppy from their recent litter
  2. My father took me fishing early in the morning on my birthday

Of course I remembered the puppy. How could I not? Puppy!

The time with my father was special because it was rare. There were four siblings in my family, and he worked a lot to support us. I didn’t get to spend much time…



Larry Cornett, Ph.D.

I'm a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your professional career, lifestyle business, & personal life. Become Invincible! https://larrycornett.coach