12 Days of Christmas Wishes — Part 11 — Home Schooling

John Danner
Steal This Idea
Published in
1 min readDec 21, 2018

My two main investment criteria are things that have high impact on students and things that scale. That usually means I’m looking around the edges of the existing system. Home schooling is a very interesting edge. With 2 million current home schoolers and growing, with a lot of focus on social emotional needs, and a general disdain for government-mandated standards, this is a ripe area for radically different schools and services.

If you are building something in home schooling, send me an email -john@danners.org. I would love to help!



John Danner
Steal This Idea

Co-founder and CEO NetGravity, Rocketship Education, Zeal Learning, Dunce Capital. john@danners.org https://dunce.substack.com/