12 Days of Christmas Wishes — Part 3 — Kids Coding

John Danner
Steal This Idea
Published in
1 min readDec 18, 2018

This is an area that a ton of companies have worked on, but I still haven’t found the one that will delight an order of magnitude more children to learn to code. I definitely think that the intentional practice part of coding is important and have investments in companies like Juni Learning, who are tutoring kids to code. But that really picks off the set that already wants to code (or the parents do at least). Roblox is probably the closest to a platform that would motivate a lot more coding, though my guess is that 1% of people make the games and 99% play. So there have to be ways to create that same social effect but get everyone to be makers.

If you are building something in kids coding or excited to , send me an email -john@danners.org. I would love to help!



John Danner
Steal This Idea

Co-founder and CEO NetGravity, Rocketship Education, Zeal Learning, Dunce Capital. john@danners.org https://dunce.substack.com/