12 Days of Christmas Wishes — Part 7 — Live Instruction

John Danner
Steal This Idea
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2018

Probably the biggest change I’m seeing is the move from asynchronous ‘dead’ content, to scheduled live teaching, to teaching-on-demand. From your phone, when you need to learn some English, click a button and you and a coach start working. Until we get to true AI in 20 or 30 years, human-delivered instruction will be best, and getting it any time you want is a huge benefit to the user.

I think things are changing now because the infrastructure for live interaction exists and is solid now. Almost all of my portfolio uses Slack and Zoom in different measures to interact with their students. That’s a massive change from three years ago. I think we are at the very beginning of this change to a live web, probably the biggest change possible for a platform that started as static by design. I think adding live instruction makes almost anything better, and while it brings operational and cost challenges with it, those are small compared to the amount of customer value added, especially in education.

If you are building a live tool or excited to build one, send me an email -john@danners.org. I would love to help!



John Danner
Steal This Idea

Co-founder and CEO NetGravity, Rocketship Education, Zeal Learning, Dunce Capital. john@danners.org https://dunce.substack.com/