600 miles+ of swimming and 10 pounds heavier

Lauren Au Brinkmeyer
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2017

I’ve gained and maintained my goal weight of 145 pounds. I haven’t weighed this much since freshman year of college, and yet, I’m in the best physical shape of my life. My body is transforming, my back is bigger, and I feel so powerful in the open water — the ability to slash through currents and withstand grueling winter temperatures.

Someone recently asked “How long have you been training for the Channel?”. I replied, “I’ve been seriously training for a year.” Then I realized that I’ve really been training the past 7 years for this event.

On mark to break 600 miles of swimming!

I’ve been tracking my yardage since I started swimming with Harvard Masters in Boston. I moved to 3 different cities and swam with different teams, but swimming has been the common thread through all the transitions. I’m a big believer that the foundation we set for ourselves, let it be sports, work, or relationships, allows us to achieve great feats in life. If I look back on my years of diligent swim training — I believe it’ll be the solid base to tackle my Everest.

This back can’t fit into dresses with zippers

So here’s to 2018 — I really hope I touch France.

