9 months and 5 pounds to go

Lauren Au Brinkmeyer
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2017

Have you ever jumped into a lake or ocean and was immediately short of breath? Your chest tightens and you find it difficult to breathe. That’s how I feel every time I jump into the Bay during the winter. It is cold. Really cold. My fingers and toes go numb, and a usually graceful stroke turns into lobster claws slashing at the water, hoping that I’m being propelled forward.

100 miles of open water swimming complete!

I’m 9 months away from my Channel window and I’ve wrapped up my summer training— logging 100 miles of cold open water & 259 total miles since June 1st. The Dolphin Club does a ritual of marking 4 squares for every mile swam. Two rows of 2x2 squares represents 100 miles. Here are some highlights from the summer:

R/T Sausalito swim — no sharks
  1. 40min Alcatraz
  2. 1hr Fort Point
  3. 1hr Crissy Field
  4. 3hr R/T Golden Gate Bridge
  5. 4hr Isles Creek/AT&T Park
  6. 5hr R/T Sausalito
  7. 5hr+ Tahoe
5 pounds down, 5 more to go

I’ve also been actively trying to gain weight. More white fat = more insulation. More insulation = less chance for hypothermia. So in building up for ~12 hours in the Channel, I’ve made a goal of gaining 10 pounds. My normal weight is 135 and I’ve managed to gain 5 pounds since January. Sounds like fun eating anything you want, right? Not really. It’s actually quite difficult to pack on the pounds, while also getting in 20,000–30,000 yards/week.

So what’s next? I still need to complete my 6-hour sub-61 degree qualifying swim. I have Lake Del Valle in November and I’ll continue to endure the winter months in the Bay. It’s going to be tough. Lobster claw tough.

