Is it HR’s job to make you happy at work?

Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2020
Illustration of little creatures having a party

Since 2013, International Day of Happiness is celebrated as a way to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. In business terms, happiness at the workplace is measured in terms of employee job satisfaction and engagement.

How does HR play a part in making the workplace joyful for all?

Hiring Positive Personalities

When it comes to hiring, companies rely on their HR to get the right candidate who fits a vacant position and the company’s culture. The individual’s personality is very often ignored as HR spends most of their time focusing on ticking off boxes on standard hiring checklists — candidate’s skills, qualifications, and experience.

However, it’s often the individual’s personality that counts most as it has a huge impact on the others working with them, and on their own potential with the company. A negative vibe may be toxic to the workplace, killing productivity and morale within the workforce.

During the hiring process, it helps if HR can concentrate their efforts on the candidate’s personality. HR can pick out traits through their communication and read their body language and behavior during the interview process. For this, it is best for companies to be equipped with tools which are able to automate standard requirements to enable HR to focus on the candidate’s soft skills.

Are you equipped with a system that tracks and updates all your candidate’s data throughout the hiring process? If you aren’t, check out BrioHR’s ATS & Recruitment module to ensure you get the right talent!

See also: 6 Tips to Stay on Top of New Recruiting Trends

Creating A Feel-good Workplace Culture

HR plays a huge role in creating a positively challenging yet safe and happy workplace for employees. A feel-good management enables performance and create engagement. The workplace culture is impacted by its people, values and the physical environment. HR can play a part by telling new hires from the start what and why they are doing something, and especially explaining how these actions fit into the overall plan and competency framework of the company.

For example, at BrioHR, we have flexible working hours and an unlimited leave policy. When new employees join the team, during their onboarding, they see that ours is a culture built on trust and respect — everyone trusts that their team mate is doing their best in their everyday tasks, everyone respects each others’ decisions. This culture is reinforced verbally multiple times by everyone in the company, as new hires may require time to acclimatize to such an independent way of working. However, the perks of verbal reinforcement are such that new hires don’t have to assume or second guess.

See also: From Onboard to On Board

HR can create a comfortable and safe workplace for all employees by developing ways to improve the overall environment of the office. This could even be by enhancing employees’ working styles — giving the freedom for people to stand, sit or lounge on the couch while doing their work — proven to generate creativity, collaboration and energy within the team.

It has been proven time and again that a positive team spirit makes employees happy. This results in low attrition and high engagement, which ultimately results in increasing profit margins and successful businesses.

Want to have a compelling onboard process for your new hires? Check out BrioHR’s Onboarding module to engage your new joiner right from the start!

HR’s main goal is to hire the right people and to keep them in the workforce for as long as possible.

To achieve this, there’s always an ongoing need for the management to keep employees satisfied and happy. Research shows that happier employees result in more productivity and creativity. They also turn out to be most committed to their jobs.

Is your HR equipped with the right tools? Check out BrioHR’s all-in-one HR Management Platform so HR can spend more time on your people instead of tasks that can be automated!



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BrioHR is an all-in-one, affordable, and simple cloud-based HR management software. More info: