How to deploy MongoDB in the cloud

John Lutz
Published in
7 min readJan 11, 2019

MongoDB is a NoSQL document database that stores data as JSON documents. It is another way that developers can store data for applications that they develop.

There are many ways to install MongoDB. This post focuses on using BroadIQ to deploy MongoDB as a development database. This is a database server that is not meant for production but allows for full access to a MongoDB server.

Below is an easy to follow non-technical guide that walks you through setting up a MongoDB database using BroadIQ.

1. Sign up with BroadIQ

If you already have an account with BroadIQ go ahead and skip to the next step.

Otherwise, create an account using the following link ( Once an account is created, an email is sent that requires verification of the account. Verify your account. Now login to BroadIQ using the Sign in button to begin the installation of MongoDB.

2. Create an organization with BroadIQ

To access the BroadIQ marketplace, your user has to be associated with an organization (Org). If you already have an Org in BroadIQ, skip this step.

An Org is a way to group people together in BroadIQ. It can be a company, a group of people, it could be your child’s soccer team. By creating an Org you have access to the BroadIQ marketplace, where applications can be run in the cloud and are only accessible to members of the organization.

In the upper right corner of the page select “Organizations” from the “Services” drop-down menu (see image below).

Services Drop-Down Selection

On the Organizations page select “Add Org” at the top left of the page and create a new organization. By creating an Org you (your user) are automatically the Org administrator. This means that you have complete control over the applications in your Org that are deployed in the cloud and who in your business or organization, have access to them.

3. The Marketplace

Now is the time to select MongoDB from the list of available applications from the BroadIQ marketplace. First, select an Org that you have previously created. Then select the “Market Place” left side menu. Scroll down the page until you find the MongoDB application listing (See image below).

Organization Market Place

Hover over the MongoDB application and select the “View App” link. This navigates to a new page that provides more information about MongoDB.

MongoDB Information

On this page lists more information about the application or links to the MongoDB company’s website. In our case, click the “Select” button, because we want to run the application in the cloud.

4. Selecting a PAAS

The first step in running an application is to choose a location where the applications are going to run. At BroadIQ, applications are run in the cloud on an infrastructure called Platform As A Service (PAAS). This page allows you to select an available PAAS to run your application on. Push the magnifying glass button on the page to open the window that allows you to select a PAAS location to run your application on.

PAAS Selection Popup

Once you push the select button for the PAAS, the small window will close and the selected PAAS will appear in the box. Your selection will appear as shown on the page below.

Selected PAAS

Now push the continue button to advance to the next page.

5. Customizing the Application

Because we are running a MongoDB application there are a few boxes that need to be filled out, so that we can connect to the database after it is up and running.

MongoDB Configuration

On the configuration page, you will need to fill in six (6) boxes. To the right of each box is a “?”. If you hover over the “?” it can provide more information about what needs to go into each box.

MongoDB Configuration Boxes and Descriptions

Once the boxes have values entered, click the “Billing” button. This will take you to a page that asks how you want to be billed for running the database in the cloud.

6. Billing

A credit card is required to run the application in the cloud. The credit card is billed at the end of the billing cycle (typically, only 30 days). Only the balance that is outstanding will be billed to the card. If your Organization or business has any credits for that month, those amounts will be credited (deducted) before a final balance is calculated.

On this page enter credit card information for each of the fields that are on the page.

Credit Card Billing Selection

Click the “Save” button and move to the final “Purchase Review” page.

7. Purchase Review

On the Purchase Review page, you will see an overview of the application customizations you have selected. It also provides an estimate of how much it will cost to run the application for the full month (30 days) and how long it takes to deploy the application in the cloud.

Review Purchase

If you are happy with the configuration, click the “Deploy” button, which starts the process of deploying and running the application in the cloud.

MongoDB Deployment into Cloud

If the application is deployed and running successfully in the cloud the screen will change from a progress screen (above) to a running screen as shown below.

Running MongoDB Application

The application details page shows how many instances of the application are running as well as other details. Also, from this view, access to the application website is available and the application can be deleted by pushing the delete button, which removes the application from the cloud.

Applications are made up of artifacts. The artifacts in an application are the software instances of the application that are running in the cloud.

From this screen, you can view the details of the running application by clicking on the cog icon, which is to the right of the running application. In the above figure, it is shown on the same line as the artifact MongoDB (“Application Artifacts” section). The cog is on the same line as the name on the right side. Click the cog icon and be taken to a page that shows the detail about the application (artifact) that was selected.

Detailed MongoDB Information

The artifact detail page displays information about the running artifact. From this page, you can get the IP address and port number that provides you access to the database server, which is important when you try to connect an application to the database. The IP address and port number are shown above in the “Configuration” section next to the “URL” label.



IP Address —

Port — 31908

At the bottom of the page shows the running instances of the artifact. In the figure above it shows 1 running instance.


You have just deployed a MongoDB server in the cloud using BroadIQ. To get the application up and running it should not take very long (less than 5 minutes). Now you have a MongoDB server running that can be used by applications you are trying to run or you can create an application that can attach to this MongoDB server. You can also use a MongoDB database client like “Robo 3T” to test the connection to the database.

This MongoDB is for development purposes and it is not backed up by BroadIQ. It is important that if you put any data into the database that you as the administrator must manually back up the MongoDB server to make sure if the database crashes or is deleted you do not lose all your data.

BroadIQ is an application marketplace that is constantly adding new applications that can be deployed in the cloud. Next, you might want to try to connect an application listed in BroadIQ’s marketplace to the MongoDB you just deployed.

Come visit and see if there are other applications that you can use to help your business move forward.

