Davis officially concedes in Senate race

Samantha Bambino
Bristol Times
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2018

State Rep Tina Davis, a Democrat who won re-election to her House seat, trailed Sen. Tommy Tomlinson, a Republican, by 74 votes in the final results

By Tom Waring

The Times

State Rep. Tina Davis last week conceded in her challenge to state Sen. Tommy Tomlinson.

Davis, a Democrat who won re-election to her House seat, trailed Tomlinson, a Republican, by 74 votes in the final results.

She asked a Bucks County Common Pleas Court judge to allow the counting of more than 200 absentee ballots that arrived after the deadline, but the judge rejected her motion.

On Facebook, Davis wrote, “In my own race for State Senate, I was honored and humbled by the support our campaign received. Not just from the tens of thousands of people who voted for our vision for Bucks County and Pennsylvania, but also by the countless volunteers and supporters who generously gave their time, their energy, and financially invested in our efforts. They saw a new path forward and trusted us to help realize their vision. I am grateful for all of the support and I do not take it lightly. Everyone who supported us should know that I fought as hard as I could for every single vote.

“Unfortunately, during the campaign, we were on the receiving end of plenty of political dirty tricks. Despite all of this, the overwhelming support we received should be a wakeup call for Harrisburg. Currently, our campaign is 74 votes behind. Our team has been fighting every day for the last three weeks to narrow this gap, but today we will stop fighting and allow Tommy Tomlinson to be re-elected to the State Senate.”

Davis went on to write that, “Tomlinson has been put on notice by voters — business as usual in Harrisburg is no longer acceptable. I hope he heeds their message.” ••

